Fun Stuff

The Krikkit Crew's collection of random funny sailing pics and videos.

We've also got a sub-page with some of our favourite text-based Sailing Jokes.

Beginner's Guides

Wrap it the other clockwise. And yes, you are going to miss the concert tonight …

And they're off!

Ireland's own Olympic commentator covers sailing from non-sailor's perspective:

Sailing Flags Explained

And you thought the race committee was just hoisting random colourful flags!

Flying the Bun

How to pass the mark with flair:

He's determined, we'll give him that

As this never-say-die bowman demonstrates, if you just keep pulling eventually it'll all turn out okay. Just don't forget to cleat off afterwards ...

Truth in Six Panels

Click on the comics to see the full-size version. And for more sailing humour from Dave Foster see

Psychological Wind Scale

Finally a relatable scale to help answer the question "How windy was it?"

If I'm yelling at you, it's just for clarity

Because "foredeck" is an f-word. [Language warning!]:

Points of sail explained

Nice jibe ... all your broken shit is now on the port side.

The perfect purchase plan, the most useful gear

No, you can't really afford it ... but there are options. And wouldn't this bit of gear come in useful sometimes?

The big question with this next one, of course, is "How does it affect one's rating?"

Wildlife Aboard

There's always that one boat in the fleet whose crew seems a little squirrely!

From our "I can relate" department

This looks kinda familiar …

Sailing Stereotypes

Yep, we all know some of these people. And some of us are them once in a while:

What's wrong with this picture?

Here's why you should never ask a graphic artist to do foredeck!

Subscriptions Department

Can't wait for the next issue! (Click images to see full-size versions).